Monday, January 25, 2010

Guess, How much I love you

Sunday, January 24, 2010 @ Barnes and Noble- Northgate 7.00pm
Hungry. Waiting for my ride to have with friends, I picked up this easy reading book.
Sat this book on the table along with two other B&N classical reading books (Sherlock Holmes and Tales of The Two cities); I went to the Starbucks counter to order a blueberry scone and a hot citrus green tea.

Starting to get comfortable on my chair, I opened the book.
It talked about how this Little Nutbrown Hare keeps on boasting to his dad on how much he loves him. Amazed at the love of this kid and how hard he tries to show his love. The dad can always outrun him on his loves. 'til the ending of the book.
The kid will show his dad that he loves him this tall (and he jumped as high as he can)- but then of course, the dad jumps higher. The kid will show how far he loves his dad by hopping as far as he can. Again, of course, the dad will hop farther than him.....

I felt it in my heart of how much sometimes I boast to God, "See Lord, I did this for you. I love You, this much. I can sing on top of my lungs........"

But still, at the end of the day, He whispered, "I gave up my life for you."
What a loving Father =)

"Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one’s life for his friends. . . . I have called you friends . . . "—John 15:13, 15
What an honor, what a priviledge!

I am loved by the King..... ♫ and it makes my heart wants to sing ♫♪"
(How can I keep from Singing- Chris Tomlin)