Thursday, May 13, 2010

Indah pada WaktuNya (Everything is beautiful in His time)

Today I realize that God's timing is really perfect.
This is probably a small incidence to some people, but through this small thing, God reminded me about His timing, about His providence, about His understanding.
This is about eating at El Gaucho.

El Gaucho has been known as one of the best steakhouse in Seattle.
Me, being a foodie, has been very compelled to try the steak there.
There were several occassion that my friends had invited me to have dinner there,
but there weren't great timing.
Today, celebrating my brother's overdue birthday dinner, we got the chance to eat there.

Somehow, I was reminded about 3 years ago when I was in worse financial situation than now. At that time, I was working on a side job being a host at an Irish restaurant.
My friend invited me to a dinner there to celebrate her birthday.
I was very motivated to go, although I did not have spare money to spend on this luxury dinner.
Thank God I managed to skip the birthday dinner and saved the money for better use at that time.

God gently whispers to me, "See, if you have been patient enough, I will give you your heart desires."
That words just blow me away.
Once again.....I am in awe. I am loved beyond measure.