Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Life without Jesus

How do you think your life would be without Jesus?

I was just thinking on how would my life be without Jesus.
I saw couple of my friends that they are doing "fine"- on social standard- without Jesus.
They have good jobs, great family, being faithful husband/ wife, blessed with wonderful children, financially secure, healthy....
I thank God that I have great family that raise me with great moral values, surrounded me with love. Then I started thinking....... "I would have been fine too without Jesus"

i paused. "really?" my heart said....

I asked Jack, "Where do you think your life be without Jesus?"
He replied "Jail? :P I don't know~"

I thought at that time that a person need to have a good moral foundation in order to be a "good" person- a faithful husband- Being a Christian alone is not enough. But, I am wrong. Our lives totally centered around Christ. He set the moral standard. He changes people- that's His best job- especially from a wretch to something beautiful.

My mind flash back to couple incidents where I desperately need Jesus.

"No, I probably wouldn't be fine without Jesus - I don't know where I would be."
What a prideful, boastful answer I had before "I would have been fine too without Jesus"???!!

I repented.

No, I need Jesus. all the time in my life.
My life will not be the same without Jesus.

Being hopeful?

Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life.
~Proverbs 13:12 (NIV)