Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Sacrifice of Praise

In the midst of my financial storm - I have to pay for root canal & crown (almost $4000 -.-)
My camera that suddenly broke - approximately will cost me another $200.00
I chose to offer God the sacrifice of praise
Psalm 92:4 says, It is a good thing to give thanks to the Lord, and to sing praises to your name, O Most High.
In Psalm 107:1 we read, Oh, give thanks to the Lord for he is good! For his mercy endures forever.

I thank God that I have a job.
I thank God that I have a husband that saves money.
I thank God that I am healthy- no breast cancer that I was worried of last month.
I thank God that I am not in debt.
I thank God that I still have my Iphone that takes great pictures.
I thank God for my parents and brother that I know are ready to spot me if I need any money.

I thank God that I have a GOD who takes care of His children, whose promises are trustworthy and true.