Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Oh the Joy of Family

We have not seen my brother since last year and we have been talking and praying for him.
Tiara been asking about "qiu-qiu" for a while.
I know that my brother been busy with work and other stuffs (aka football season), so we have not really hung out with him.
Yesterday, he came to our house for a visit with many goodies from Japan, where he just came back from vacation for 1.5 weeks.
Oh what a joy to see how much Tiara loves her qiu-qiu and just to see that my brother is patient with her. Tiara always wanted to show him everything and crawled on his laps whenever she can.

I am so thankful for my brother! I am so thankful for having family around.
I might not have my parents with us now, but I am treasuring what we have.
Seeing how Tiara was to my brother, reminded me of my uncle that passed away on Qz8501 too... He was one of our dearest uncle. Always loving to us.
Anyway, Hoping that my brother will visit more often! :)

Integrity Pleases God

Growing up at church, I heard a lot of thing about integrity.
"Integrity is doing right when no one is watching"
"Integrity is choosing to do something based on your values vs personal gain"
"Integrity is the right thing to do"
"Integrity is consistency between what you value and what you do"

In the nutshell, because Integrity is one of God's values, I should be a woman of integrity too.
But, when facing choices, they are hard to make!

Just a short example this morning.........
I was late to work due to Tiara waking up late, then, the parking spots were filled up, except the "carpool" spot.
I was so tempted to park at the carpool spot since the security rarely checks our hangtag.
But, I chose not to, because it is not right. It is taking other people's designated spots.

I prayed to God that I hope He is pleased and honored with my choice.

As I processed forward to another parking spot, I saw available "PRIME" parking spot.
I was just in awe of what my God does and how quickly He answered my small little voice inside my heart.

Integrity pleases God- that's what I learn today.
It might be hard and inconvenient, but If I know that what God wants, I will do it.
I pray that I continue to choose the harder path that pleases God.