Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Fairness and Compliant

I noticed that as I grow older, my desire for fairness and compliant arises.
I hold myself and people to higher standard of following the rules and comply to rules given.
Not a rule breaker by nature and very much obeying my parents, I comply to stated rules. Although to some degree the Third World Countries/Culture mindset is still within me - like not complying with government regulation regarding trash etc.

However, at work, I struggle a lot with fairness and compliant.
Today's devotional struck me.
The parables of the 2 sons.
My attitude is more like the older son.
"It is unfair that I get to do all the things" - which in a way, I should change my mindset to be
"I should be grateful to be able to participate/doing God's work"
"I should be grateful that I have the joy in doing them" (clearly people that don't want to participate at work is either not enjoying their work or lacking the ability to perform well)
"God rewards us when we come running to Him"

In the times that I am at the place of needing the grace, I pray that God will extend the same loving arms like He always do.