Wednesday, January 18, 2023


 I started my first series of 6 rounds BCG yesterday. It went well- praise the Lord. 
The treatment was at 10am, I was able to "void/pee" at 12pm and then start the flushing and bleaching for the next 4 hours.
Peeing and bleaching every 15 minutes was quite exhausting, but thank God I was able to rest a bit at night. Thankful for Jack to help with Tiara and letting me rest the whole day, even a slight massage at night since I have backache.

Another praise report is that for my medicine prescription, Detrol LA/Tolterodine. Walgreens called me last week and told me that it will cost $269 out of pocket for my prescription. I googled this morning and found out that Bartell would have it for cheaper. Then my sister in law mentioned about goodrx. 

GoodRx listed the medicine at $30 at Bartell. That's $230 savings! Praise God!

Please continue to pray for next BCG appointments:
1/24 9:30am
2/1 9:30am
2/10 9:30am
2/17 9am
2/24 9:30am

1 down and 5 to go! Glory to God!