Saturday, February 18, 2023

Reactive Arthritis

This side effect of BCG - Reactive Arthritis (Reiter's Syndrome) was taken me by surprise. I praise God was doing so well with BCG this round. Then last Tuesday, all my joint start to be sore (my left elbow, both hips and right knee) As if I overstretched them exercising, but I had not. The pain level was like 2/10. The next night, my left ankle starts hurting. I took counterpain ointment so that I can sleep since it was bothering me more. I was limping to my #11 BCG appointment on Friday. I was pumped up for my appointment since there are only 2 treatments left for this series. I was determined to get it done/over with.

Doctor decided to postpone the BCG due to my reactive arthritis side effect. I was bummed but I trust that God knows what's best. I took the day off to rest and Doctor told me to take 400mg Ibuprofen 3x a day around the clock. Praying that this will help control my immune system.

Bladder Cancer and BCG Reactive Arthritis

This morning, as I was seeking the Lord, the verse Romans 8:28 keep replaying in my mind:
"and we know that ALL things work together for good to those who loves God and called according to His purposes"

Lord, I trust You. I know that You know best. I know that You are miracle working God who walks before and besides me. As long as You are with me, I know that I can put my cares on You and You guide me.

Jack and I also celebrate 11th years of wedding anniversary today. God has been faithful. Jack has been good to me. So thankful for him.