Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Trading my "What Ifs" with "No Matter What"

 I was reading an article about praying for healing this week and the article talks about "trading What Ifs with No Matter What". My mind have been wandering with "What ifs" lately.... "what if God doesnt heal me" "What if I have to go through with this pain every day" "What if this is my new normal?"

It does not help my faith when my minds wander like that. I like to trade in my what ifs with No matter what. No matter what happens - I will praise the Lord. No matter what happens, I will give all the glory to God. No matter what happens - Jesus is trustworthy.

Today, the song "One Things Remain" was speaking to me again. That, One Thing Remains - God's love never fails.

I will praise God and trust His loving kindness no matter what. Even when there is trials, pain, storm and tribulation - He is still the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Worthy of all the praise and glory.