Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Sprinkle of Blessings

 There are couple things to be thankful for these past days:

1) is one of the reliable source of research regarding bladder cancer and I saw a nearby clinical trials that I might be able to participate in. So, I contacted the study and i received the responds email saying "Not cystectomy eligible at this time"

I am so glad reading that e-mail as I was thinking that with my CIS high grade diagnosis, cystectomy seems to be at the forefront recommended treatment

2)  This morning, I received a phone call that my surgery is moved to 9am with check in time at 7:30am! Praise the Lord! This will definitely make our morning schedule better as it is hard to find nanny coverage to stay with Tiara at 5:30-8:00 (the prior scheduled time)

So thankful with this sprinkle of blessings  

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