Tuesday, March 29, 2011

"For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline." 2 Timothy 1:7

Monday, March 28, 2011

When to speak the truth?

: If the truth hurts other's feelings, should you say it?:
: If the truth is not edifying, should you say it?:
: If the truth is irrelevant, should you say it?:

: When do you have to say the truth?:

at all times?

I remember a quote from "Into the Wild", "rather than love, than money, than faith, than fame, than fairness... give me truth. "
Even the Bible said...... "Speak the truth in love" Eph 4:25

But, what if the truth is emotionally driven?
What if the truth is not absolute? What if you can change the truth?
Should you change it first?

TRUTH: what is it? how many kinds are there?

Sunday, March 27, 2011

The shadow of Your wings

I love this new TV series "Fairly Legal"
in this particular episode I watched this morning...
there is a scene where a daughter, Kate Reed, misses her deceased father.
She said "When Teddy (her dad) was here, it feels like I fit in every puzzle"
a judge who listened to her statement said "That man (Teddy) knows to put things together"

I sometimes miss my dad in Indo, too. I remembered when I was a kid, I can always run to him with any problems that I had and he was always able to rescue me, to provide me a way out, to give me the view of the big picture.
Now, being a grown-up, I feel I'm quite alone. My father is not as powerful as he was before and I feel that I need to face my own dilemmas alone...

However, somehow, a tiny whisper slip through my ear "You can always hide under the shadow of My wings"

I said in my heart, "That's right."

I am reminded that God has this HUGE wings (He is always portrayed as an eagle- do you ever know how big the eagle's wings are?Adult eagles have a wing span of about 7 feet, yet they only weigh 12 pounds on average!)
Whenever I feel sad, whenever I want to run away from things, He is there for me.
He can rescue me, I am safe under His wings.

My God -my Heavenly Father, knows how to put things together- His promises in Romans 8:28 said, "in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to His purpose. "

How precious is your unfailing love, O God! All humanity finds shelter in the shadow of Your wings. ~Psalm 36:7

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Panda. love.

Last week, Jim & LL gave Pez cute plush to Selina.
and......my 17 years old boyfriend glanced avidly.
He said "I want that. I want that. in Panda"
I asked "How old are you?"
He said "seventeen"

"Once a boy. Always a boy." I thought.
However, I got it for him :P

He Smiled.
I satisfied =)