Thursday, May 24, 2012

Mailed my I-693! :)

The doctor costs about $135.00 and I had the test to see whether I need MMS & DapT vaccination also whether I have tuberculosis.
Too bad I didn't pass the first test so the doctor has to request me to do Chest Xray.
Thank God, I passed the Xray! I am Tuberculosis FREE :D

Mailed doctor's report & Jack's W2 as requested this morning.
90 days from now I should receive my EAD card :)

Bully does not work

Can't describe what i have to put up with at work.
I wish for a calm and peace working environment.
I can't imagine why there is a certain individual feels like he can boss me around and giving his advices when not being asked.
The owner is the boss and will always remain the ONLY authoritative person in the office.
He hires, he signs paychecks, he fires people as he wishes because he owns the company.
I am a nobody, but I don't put up with bullies.

What does people think? this is high school? :S

People do not have to be scared to tell the truth. You don't have to "threatened" people to not tell something unless you think you do something wrong and fearful of what you have done. Think before you bully! -.-"

I will bring praise! No weapons formed against me shall remain...I will rejoice, I will declare, GOD is my victory and He is here. (Hillsongs)
"He who doesn't learn from history is forced to repeat its mistakes"
-Ravi Zacharias

Friday, May 18, 2012

I-693: Medical

Today, I went to one of the INS designated civil surgeon: Tatyana, Kutsy MD in Bellevue. The procedure was so fast! Went in, got my blood drawn, an injection to test for tuberculosis, and I am out in 30 minutes!
Hope all goes well when I come back on Monday to pick up the paperwork.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

I-863 and additional documentations

Letter from INS arrived May 4, 2012 asking us to submit:
1) I-863 which is medical exam with their approved surgeons
2) They asked for Jack's W-2 last year's. ( although I included it with the previous filing)
I hope everything goes well =)
My check up is scheduled for the 18th.

They agree to respond for my I-765: employment authorization 90 days after the receipt....