Wednesday, June 20, 2012


Yesterday, I went to the US Homeland of Security for my biometrics appointment.
The appointment was scheduled at 12.00pm. We (Jack & I) arrived at 11.35pm
We were scanned to make sure we do not conceal any sharp objects and had to go through a metal detector. ID is also required to enter the office.
After that we lined up for our appointment. We have to fill another form of application and waited inside the lobby before they checked our fingerprinting application against our immigration form.
I went in alone to wait for the fingerprinting process. They fingerprinted every single fingers and took my photograph.

We were out from the US Homeland Security at 12.30pm.
They really squeeze every fingers to make sure they got me in the system. Jack was jokingly asking me, "They didn't ask you to spit for DNA?" :P

Anyway, I am hoping I will be called for my interview soon and get my travel document timely. I want to go to Vancouver summer night market! =)

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