Monday, August 20, 2012

Permanent Resident Card ARRIVED!

For my 6th month wedding anniversary gift, God gave me my PR!
It arrived super fast! 2 weeks after our interview.
It allows us to plan our trip to Whistler for labor day weekend......
Praise God :D

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Green Card Interview

We did our green card interview yesterday.
Our appointment was at 11.15am.
We arrived there around 10.40am.
Checked-in on the 1st floor then waiting in the lobby on 2nd floor.
Around 11.20am, a guy called our name.
We went in and he said that he is the officer that will be interviewing us.
He is very nice, he described in details on how the interview will go.
We got sworn to tell the truth....then
He asked me lists of 25 questions like:
"Are you part of or will be an espionage?" "Have you had training of using weapons?"
"Have you ever been in prison?"
Normal stuffs.

After that he just talked to Jack & I about our relationship. I brought a photo book of our journey.
That helps a lot i think. Right after he looked at it, he asked, "Do you guys have any joint bank account, mortgage account, or health insurance together?" Luckily, we do have a joint bank account and then he just said, "You should receive your green card in 30 days"

Praise God!

The whole thing lasted about 20 minutes.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012


Lately this verse is ringing in my head.....

"Freedom reigns in this place
Showers of mercy and grace
Falling on every face
There is freedom"

There is Freedom in knowing and trusting Jesus......
Lately I feel i am in the bondage of discontentment.
Discontented of where I live, I work, 
where I am in education and financial. 
I don't know whether it is "pre-30 years old- syndrome"
But, plain and simple. I WANT MORE. MORE OF THE WORLD.
This morning's devotion really struck me:
James 4: 4
"You adulteresses, do you not know that friendship 
with the world is hostility toward God ? 
Therefore whoever  wishes to be a friend of the world 
makes himself an enemy of God."

The whole verse in James 4 coming true for me. 
I want more of the world because I have pride.
I want to boast or stand on my own knowledge, 
my own financial security,
my, my, my, and mine.
However, God reminds me this morning, 
what is needed is just ONE THING.

DWELL in HIS PRESENCE where there is FREEDOM, 
there is FULLNESS of JOY.


Lord, I pray that I will be conformed 
more like You and letting Your words 
change me instead of me pursuing the world further. 
Teach me to rest securely in You 
and put You first above all else. 
I know that You love me. 
You know and want the best for me.