Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Attitude of Gratitute

I was pretty down these few months due to work situation and just filled with dissatisfaction....
I kept on thinking on how could I end up in this "dead-end" job, end up with this "basement apartment"
But, today, I chose the "attitude of gratitute"
I reflect back and see what God has done.
I am thankful that Jack did not get lay off before I applied for my green card. That would be very difficult for us. I thank God for a husband that loves me and sponsor me so that I can have my green card that allows me to stay and work in the US.

About my job and my education: I remember when I was little, I always want to go for higher education. I like school - well, I should say, I like earning degrees :P
When I started Amcut, I enrolled in City University for Master's Program, but I did not finish it. I asked myself, why didn't I?
Then I remember, at that time, I had to pay off the debt that I had and I am glad I did.
Also, my priorities were to stay in the US so I have to accumulate enough money so that I can hire a lawyer and apply for green card. During 2008, my priority shifted a bit, I want to accumulate money so that I can have "assets" to bring back to Indo.
So, yeah, throughout this year, this is why I did not finish my master's degree. Because I don't want to invest in it if I don't see the ROI.

I guess, there is time for everything. Wait.

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