Saturday, July 5, 2014

Post Partum Care

The hardest thing after delivery is the post partum care.

I stayed at the hospital for 48 hours since baby Tiara arrived after my water break for more than 18 hours. The nurses encourage you to nurse right away since your body usually would produce the colostrum (the nutritious milk for baby) and to have that skin-to-skin experience with your baby.
I never thought that breastfeeding is that hard. Baby does not know how to latch...they are still learning to suck vs bite. Every feeding time is a challenge to me. Thank God, they have lactation consultant that came to our room every day. The lactation consultant will help you see whether you need any Lanolin

or hydrogel pads to soothe your breasts:

Aside from the breastfeeding challenge, my third degree tear is quite painful as well. They managed the pain by giving me ibuprofen every 4 hours, but it gets challenging to be on and off the bed.....

Some stuffs that helps my post partum recovery:
1) Witch Hazel pads
2) disposable mesh underwear
3) dibucaine gel
4) squeege bottle

Also since most of the women do experience a harder stool after giving a birth, I highly recommend you taking doqulace and if that still does not really help, do take "Milk of Magnesia"

I was actually discharged on the 3rd day after spending 2 nights in the hospital, however Tiara needs to get phototheraphy due to jaundice. Her 1st day count of bilirubin was 9 and 2nd day it was 15.5. We got moved into the pediatrics floor where Tiara got phototheraphied under the blue light.

While I was staying with her in the peds room, I spiked up a fever and my whole body was shaken. I got readmitted to the post partum care room with my mom and Jack stayed with baby at peds.
The doctor gave me some antibiotics since she speculated that I got some infection from my water breaking.
Staying extra couple nights in the hospital really helped me with learning to breastfeed, to pump the milk and to rest well before the non-sleeping days begin.

On the other side, we are so glad to be home on the 26th! :D

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