Thursday, November 8, 2018

How much does a life cost?

Written as a response to Air Asia QZ8501 and Lion Air JT610 airplanes crash

First of all, my deepest condolences to the families of victims. No words that can describes the pain or the grief of losing love ones. I am deeply disturbed, upset and compelled to express my emotions out in regards to the accidents.

I also want to express my condolences to Mr Syachrul Anto's family (the diver who has died during the operation of retrieving Lion Air’s remains). Mr. Syachrul, thank you for serving the victim's family at the most tangible ways. You died a hero to us.

Air Asia QZ8501 and Lion Air JT610 are the most recent deadliest aviation accident in Indonesia - or in the world. I lost both of my parents and 4 members of my close relatives in December 28, 2014 on the Air Asia QZ 8501. The recent Lion Air accident brings back the memory, the dreadful waiting time of constantly following the news, hoping for the miracles, and being anxious all the time. Those sleepless nights. Restless days.

In this blog, I want to write to 3 groups of people:

1) Indonesian governments, Leaders of the world, Supreme courts' justices in US and in France:
I am pleading for Indonesian government to please help tighten the aviation law. It is sad that Indonesian Airlines was banned in EU for few years and after the banned has been lifted, Lion Air accident happened.
Especially with the Air Asia accident, Air Asia had no permission to fly that day. Air Asia should be penalized for that offense.

Leaders in the worlds -Montreal Convention in 1999 the multilateral treaty in the case of aviation accident needs to be revisited. Within the last 20 years (now it is at the end of 2018) the inflation, the growing countries - the compensation rate no longer suffice for these days. 

Supreme Court Justice in US and France: Boeing and Airbus factories are located in US and France, please help holding these manufacturers due to their known faulty system. They cannot hide on jurisdictional issue.

2) Air Asia and Lion Air

First of all, please put the safety of your passengers above your bottom line value. Pilots need rest. Ongoing pilot training to catch up with the newest technology are highly important. Routine maintenance checks on the airplanes must be well documented in logs.

Secondly, Please do your best to compensate for the family members. Do not hide behind the lawyers and offering the bear minimum by the law.

AirAsia offered compensation of Rupiah 1,250,000,000 (around less than $100K) vs victim of TransAsia Airways Flight 235 (in Taiwan) was offered $475,000.

These difference in value of compensation is insulting to our family- especially knowing that my relatives were travelling in business class airfare.

Thirdly, personal apology from the CEO to each victim or public meetup with the families would be much appreciated. Tony Fernandes- How many times does Ms. Wee Mei Yi have to write to get a response from you?

3) Boeing and Airbus (Artus Meggitt Group)
Please inspect and develop ongoing maintenance to these airlines.
If certain airplanes have been known to have certain issues- please have a recall to inspect them individually and log to the adjustments should be well documented.

Airbus 3** series has been known to have rudder control problem - which was the faulty system that took the life of AirAsia QZ8501. (

Boeing 737 (LionAir JT610) has known problem that the Angle of Attack can provide false readings.(

Overall, while money can never bring us back our loved ones or take away the memory and the pain, but it can help improving quality of life to those who are left behind.

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