Tuesday, June 22, 2021

In the midst of Disappointment

Yesterday, I had a disappointing news regarding a job that I have been wanting and one that I felt God wants me to go for. One that I have been waiting on. One that I feel He told me is mine.

I was heartbroken. I did not sleep well. I could not rejoice and I don't feel like celebrating Tiara's birthday today.

This evening, I turned on to Westgate Chapel Tuesday Prayer Meeting ( https://youtu.be/IPiVXYlgEjgand the pastor was saying (50:05) When you feel that God has broken His promise... please don't hold back, respond to His invitation that He wants to heal your heart"

You are here
And You're healing every heart
I worship You
I worship You
And You are
Way maker, miracle worker
Promise keeper, light in the darkness
My God, that is who You are

Psalm 60: 4 "But you have raised a banner for those who fear you—a rallying point in the face of attack."

The enemy feared and tremble when the Church praise Him.

Spirit of Heaviness, put on the garment of Praise. - Isaiah 61:3

Praising God changes the atmosphere, it soften my heart to surrender to Him. 

Trusting Romans 8:28 (paraphrasing to personalize it to me)- "and [I] know that [my] God makes all things work together for my good [for I] who loves Him and called according to His purposes"

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