Sunday, July 2, 2023

"I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!”

 Mark 9:24 "I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!” considered as one of the most honest prayer.

I will have my cystoscopy tomorrow to check whether there is any cancer recurrence. I am still experiencing some symptoms of frequent urination, urine retention. I am worried that there will be recurrence since the recurrence for bladder cancer is considered high. But, I am trusting the blood of Jesus and His name.

Today we sang "Believe For It" by Cece Winans at church and this song encouraged me much.

We believe that Jesus' name has power. Every promises He has is Yes and Amen.

Jesus is able to:1) Bring salvation to my brother- God has Henry's name in the book of life. 2) Restore broken relationship - I desire to have good relationship with my mother in law. 3) Healing miracle - cancer will never return to my body - not in my bladder and nowhere.

"You said "It is Done", and I believe it"

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