Thursday, September 30, 2010

-God's Pursuant of Us-

Last night, I discussed with a friend about God's pursuant of us- whether God pursues everyone the same- as relentless or God pursues some people harder (like Paul in the Bible where God has to appear in front of him so that Paul can not deny anymore)

My friend gave a cute analogy of how a person spent $1 vs another one that is willing to $10 (10 x $1) just to get a doll inside the doll machine. We were discussing to what extent God pursues each of us, whether He does quit trying on some, but somehow think others worth more (to serve God's purposes) so He pursues them harder?

I came to a conclusion that we cannot be opinionated how hard the Lord has pursued someone based on what we have seen. We cannot really know the weight of God pursuant based on our eyes or a person’s testimony. But yeah, like my friend said....we might be able to ask God someday when we are in Heaven....if that still matters :P

All that I know and understand for now is the gravity of God's love towards every individuals is the same. It is The Cross.


  1. If God gave His Son for us (the ULTIMATE sacrifice, His BEST, and His ALL), why would He hold back his pursuit? -Marini-

  2. Some people's testimonies do make you wonder though, versus those whom have perished w/o Jesus. Makes you wonder, did God also pursue those lost ones the same way He did for those miraculous pursuits of some?

    - $1 "good deal" friend

  3. what I think?
    God's level of love for everyone is the same..He died on the Cross for all of us..
    Can't say that God pursue A more than B, because every individual has different background, has different issues (bitterness, etc) they are facing in life 'n God will use different approach to win A and B's heart (our God is creative and He doesn't use the same method twice [haha..I've just listened to a sermon mentioned about Jesus parting the Red Sea for Moses and the Israelites to cross but not parting Jordan River for Joshua 'n the Israelites to get into the promise land].. ..God knows our weak point and He will meet us there to make us turn to Him..that's why everyone has different story when we first received Jesus as our the end, the most important is..He won our heart =)


  4. At the end of the day, no one will be able to point his finger to God, and blame God for not pursuing & calling him. Rom 2:5 "But in accordance with your hardness and your impenitent heart you are treasuring up for yourself wrath in the day of wrath and revelation of the righteous judgment of God".

    Let's settle our hearts to the unchanging word of God of His love to the world (John 3:16).

