Sunday, September 12, 2010

:When God speaks:

In 1 Kings 19, Elijah experienced:
a great wind (verse 11), but God was not in the wind;
an earthquake (verse 11), but God was not in the earthquake;
a fire (verse 12), but God was not in the fire.

Finally, Elijah heard, according to the NRSV, "the sound of sheer silence." The Hebrew words translated "the sound of sheer silence" are qol damamah daqqah. Qol can be translated as "voice or sound." Damamah comes from a verbal root that means "to be silent, to be motionless," and daqqah from a root that means "small or thin." Various translations have been offered: "a sound of a gentle blowing" (NASB); "a gentle whisper" (NIV); "a still small voice" (KJV). What did Elijah hear? Silence, a whisper, a gentle wind? Whatever it was, it got his attention. And then a voice asked, "What are you doing here?"

I realize that we need to check in/ tune-in our ears to God's channel in the morning in order for us to recognize when God speaks through the still small voice... Lately, there are "coincidences" - the gentle whispers- or small voice- of God around me that I think is very cool; like, I had certain discussion with my bestfriend about the multiple dating issue, and then, at that time, I was asking whether she had found the church that she can be committed to...and I told her "It's ok, take your time, visit many churches, find which one suit you best, then you can grow and serve there" = then, there was this gentle whisper- "You should be ok with multiple's just like how you gave the advice to your friend about finding church. you are free to choose who you want to be with first. then you can be committed to one" - hmmm.....interesting, eh? =)
Also, I just had a discussion with a friend about the prosecution to the Christians in India and how we should respond to such incidents. He was quite upset at first, but then he told me that interestingly, during his devotional time, God reminded him of Romans 12:14-21. ;)

I believe that God continue speaking in our lives, through friends, to circumstances, to His word-most importantly- if we just want to listen.

My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me. -John 10:27

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