Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Easter Miracle

 Last Sunday, pastor Evan was talking about disappointment. After disappointment- we need to still look for Jesus. 

I was desperate for a miracle. My surgery was on Tuesday, March 28th- my 4th TURBT.

I have been having symptoms of frequent urination, bladder spasms and some pain in my urethra- as well as many joint pains as reactive side effects from BCG immunotherapies.

I have little faith that God wants to heal me as i faced disappointment last December during my check/cystocopy.

On the day of the surgery, i spoke blessings of Numbers 6:24-26 over and to my nurse, Mary and my surgeon, Dr. Dash. 

When i was wheeled into the OR.. one of the nurse said "you know that we have to move you to the other table, right?" And i said "Yes, this is my 4th time" The nurse then said "i hope you will never see this OR again" and i said "Amen"

I want to believe that God wants to heal me and He will restore me to complete healing. I heard God say "clean" - i was not sure whether i will get a clean bill of health or my surgeon will clean any tumors he find.

After the surgery- the oncologist was saying that my bladder is very inflammed and sensitive- he had hard time controlling the bleeding from tiny biopsies.

I was worried and sad. I turn to Jesus. Let His will be done in my life.

On Thursday, the cyto pathology (urine sample pathology) shows NEGATIVE FOR CARCINOMA.

This is a miracle. God is clear- its not just atypical or sample not enough- but it is No cancer report!!

On Sunday, 4/2, the biopsy results also says "negative for carcinoma"

Praise Jesus, Hallelujah, I received my Easter Miracle!

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