Thursday, April 20, 2023

I have Testimonies

 This week has been a very rough week since I constantly have pink colored pee and some clots.
It started last week, right after our Vancouver vacation. I caught a cold and my suspicion is that the cough/sneeze might have strained my bladder and caused it to tear tiny bit since my urologist said my bladder is very fragile and irritated.

I had ER visits on Friday since I had clots and were not able to urinate. Thankfully, as I stepped into the ER lobby, I passed the clots in the toilet. So, I had saline IVed in, then as soon as my pee is clearer, I got discharged.

On Sunday night around 11pm, the episode of peeing blood and clotting resumes. I checked myself into the ER around 3am and got irrigated at 5am, making it home in time when Tiara wakes up at 6:30am.

We went to Tuesday prayer meeting at Westgate and met few people, one common thing I heard from people is that "Now you can say "I have a testimony"" 

I need to praise God for:
1) His blessings that we got to enjoy Vancouver vacation without this worry.
2) Multiple ER visits that I had to wait for only 15-30 minutes - I was terrified that I had to wait 2-3 hours like my last August 2022 visit (Jack prayed for compassionate staffs and for me to be seen right away)
3) His faithfulness! Our God is faithful - He is walking with us!

Please continue to pray for peace as I navigate this week. I am still peeing pink here and there and passing small clots time to time. Urologist said this is normal for about a month until the bladder heals. I just want a good night sleep that I don't have to worry to drink enough and pee often for flushing.

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