Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Taking Inventory::

Approaching the end of 2010, the words- "taking inventory" echoes in my ears.
As I pray, I feel that God wants me to take inventories of my life in 2010
Taking inventory means:
1. Writing down items
2. Evaluating items - throwing away obsolete items.

1. Writing down items:
I need to recognize what God has done for me in 2010...
Treasuring "the items" -successes, milestones, or memories that happened in 2010.

2. Evaluating items:
Evaluating on the productivity of days in 2010
Learning to trim and prune my time. Anything that is not bearing fruits, I should let God cut it.
Trusting that God will continue to supply my life with "items" that is best for my life.

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