Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Welcoming 2011

In a few days, I will celebrate the New Year -2011.
Today I read a newsletter from Pastor Charles Stanley- In Touch Ministries- and it talks about how to prepare for 2011.

"The question we must ask ourselves if we want to make 2011 the very best year possible is: Where does the Lord fit in the decisions that we make?"

How can we be sure to stay on track in obeying God and leave all consequences to Him?
1. Recognize that your willingness to submit to the Lord depends on what you believe about Him
(Romans 8:28)
2. You must continue to trust the Lord regardless your circumstances
3. Growing in your love toward the Father.
4. You do not just talk to God, but also listen to Hi,
5. Finally, obeying God, require courage and full surrender.

I pray that I will learn to depend on God's strength, wisdom, power, and love in every situation

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