Monday, April 16, 2012

What would it take?

What would it take for me to give up my comfort zone?

Last Friday, when I was attending my friend's mom's funeral, I had conversation with a friend that switch career. She was working in accounting field for one of the Big4 and now she is a teacher.
I am sure the pay cut that she takes is at least 20%. I wonder what would it take for me to switch career?
I am not fully satisfied with my current job since there is no growth for me even though the pay is good.
My friend got laid off, hence she decided to pursue teaching- her passion.
So, for me, do I need to get laid off before I can choose what I really want?
or........what is it? is it just "taking the risk"? will it be worth it? Will i regret if I had not taken the risk?

Recently attending funeral, also makes me think that "life is short" How can I make my life count?
Will it be sickness that prompt me to do "what i want"- to take the risk?
Another question also, what would it take for someone to "ask for forgiveness"?
I know some people hold grudges- unwilling to forgive or to prideful to apologize when they know they do something wrong.
What would it take for someone to initiate that forgiveness?
Many people reconcile when they are already near dying. Do you have to wait that long before you reconcile?

I guess, i am being anxious with my health issue prompted me to think too much of some stuff ><

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