Tuesday, December 31, 2013

15 weeks Preggo Facts

Posting baby picture on Facebook and baby...you are so loved and famous~!

You got 194 likes and 69 comments!

We are so eager to find out the gender of the baby on January 30th! We have a name for the baby, regardless it is a boy or a girl :)
This week has been one of the best week....most of the nausea has gone, even though the headache starts to come. We saw our new obgyn, Dr. Lagalbo @ Polyclinic on Dec 28th and we really enjoyed seeing her.
She is very patient in answering all our questions.

Interesting Facts:
Baby size: Navel orange  (4 inches, 2.5 oz.)
Mommy's craving:  Boba Milk Tea
Daddy's sympathy weight so far: 10 lbs - same as mommy!
Hilarious moment of the week : Daddy ask the obgyn: "Does mood swing common in pregnancy?" - it makes mommy feels so bad! :P

We are also excited to share the pregnancy/parenthood journey with 7 other couples whose babies are due in June! Boy, apparently, parents are busy in Sept/Octoberish ;)

Monday, December 16, 2013

First Trimester- Morning Sickness

My first post about my pregnancy. I am reaching 12 weeks mark....YAY!
Baby is due on June 25th.
We were trying to get pregnant since we were back from Kenya end of August.
We used the Clear Blue ovulation test to help us conceive:

It totally works! I got the first smiley face about 8 days after my period is over.
Here's youtube video to learn more about the ovulation test:

We also are eager to know whether we are pregnant, so we bought the pregnancy test that can detect pregnancy even before I missed my period:
The lines that show whether I am pregnant or not was faint before I miss my period. So, I tested again after I missed my period and the result show clear two lines. So, I am pregnant!

The first month of pregnancy was a bliss. I was not tired at all and I can eat all I want.
The nausea starts at about the 6th week (counting since the day of your last period) - I started vomitting after lunch at work. I went to the Polyclinic and they said that the symptoms is normal for pregnant women. I know that it is not ok for me since I have had random hormonal spike every 3-4 years. I had to go to ER that night to get fluid IV-ed in since I was very dehydrated from throwing up the past 12 hours.
They gave my 2 dose of zofran to control my nausea but it still doesnt help. Luckily after I can sleep, the vomitting stops. The nausea somewhat lingers, but not too bad. The next week after that, I was totally fine without nausea. So, I was under the assumption that it is just my normal hormonal spike.

Little that I know, the next week, on Sunday the vomitting starts again after my dinner. This time, I waited until morning to go back to the doctor and after several tests, they decided that I need to get IV-ed in again. I went home with another prescription for zofran and phenergan. They did not help to stop the vomitting. I am not sure whether I should take them as soon as I am feeling nausea since I feel nausea almost all the time.
I had to miss work that day and no one at work knows about my pregnancy.

On Tuesday night, the vomitting starts again, and I started to get very skeptical that I will have an easy pregnancy. I started to believe that I have the "hypermesis gravidium" HG (which what the doctors diagnose me with) and felt sorry for myself. I got IV-ed in again on Wednesday and had to excuse myself from work. Thank God it was not a month-end period, so, it was fine for me to miss that couple days. But, this can't continue on. So, we decided to tell people at work to help them understand and cope with my circumstances better. The people at work were very understanding. They told me to do what is best for me.

I read more and more article about HG and avoids spicy food. I couldn't stand the smell of food coming out of microwave- which means we have to make/buy fresh food every meal. Even the smell of rice freshly cooked would stir up my nausea.
I started to eat banana in the morning with 50mg of Vit B-6 and that really help with my nausea. I am still nauseous but I don't have the urge to throw up. On my last visit, the doctor prescribes me with "Diclegis"- which supposed to help me with my nausea, however, the dose has 20mg of Vit B-6 that I am afraid I will take too much of vit B-6 considering the 50mg B-6 I took was not prescribed. "Diclegis" is also very expensive- it is $120 after insurance coverage. I wish the Dr. would prescribe me that medicine sooner before spending all my money into buying Reglan, Phenergan, and Zofran.

The best thing is that after the 3rd episode of getting IV-ed in, I was doing much better. I had nausea almost every day, but no throwing up. The salty preserved plum, satsuma/tangerines, and decaf diet coke are my best friends. For some reason, I tried ginger and the baby doesn't seem to like anything ginger-y. So, I do what I can do and as long as no vomit, I am a happy mom.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Africa Mission Trip- Kenya

I just wanted to document our decision to go to Kenya Mission Trip.

We have been wanting to join a mission trip group that goes to Africa. We were looking to join through Foursquare Church, however they do not have any groups formally formed yet. Our friend, Mike, from Overlake Christian Church, let us know that OCC is having Africa Mission Trip Introductory Meetings on April 2013.
So, we went to the introductory meetings.

OCC offers two type of mission trip: Kenya, serving children and to Cape Town, serving the community that is mostly AIDS contaminated.

Because of timing, we decided to join the Kenya Mission Trip in August 10-24, 2013.
We have put in the deposit for $100 each. The trip costs $3500.00/person - all inclusive.

Excited... to be continued...

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Upsetting morning

Today I have a very upsetting morning- coming to work late because Jack couldn't wake up. I do not really know why but it is very troubling me.
I felt that my job is already close enough, but I can't have "buffer" time to get to work not rushing.
I really do not like "rushing" feeling. I know that I am more of the morning person, rather than Jack. But it is a marriage, people works what works for the marriage.

If Jack couldn't get to work early enough, that means he will get home past 7.30pm, which for me, it is no point on having dinner already. If he expects having dinner together, then he should make sure to be home around 7.30pm (which means he has to get to work the latest by 8.30am~ 10 hours work)

I don't know what to do. I don't like counting on Jack to take me to work, but I felt that by doing that, I make sure that he gets to work by 8.30 the latest so that he can come home for dinner. But, if he has no desire/motivation to wake up in the morning, then I would rather not counting on him and count on the buses (they are more reliable) and not having to be upset often in the morning because of being late.

If I don't go with Jack in the morning, then we'll scrap dinner together as I do not want to eat past 7.30pm.


Thursday, January 17, 2013

Daniel Fast

It is quite customary for churches to ask the congregations to fast in the beginning of the year, so that we can inquire God's vision for the church and for our personal life for this new year. My church, Living Way Foursquare Church, decided to have a corporate fasting period during January 10-20th.
The reason to fast is to set aside time so that we can seek God more.

I chose to do Daniel's Fast. It is basically a vegan diet with additional restrictions, like no chemical and preservatives, as well as no tea & coffee. The hardest for me is to not drink tea or coffee. So far, I have been ok with veggies & tofu- grilled, stir fry, made as soup and pasta. Last weekend, I stopped by Evolution (organic drinks retailers owned by Starbucks) for wifi spot as I went to accompany Jack studying in downtown. I was hungry so I tried their hot spiced apple juice. SUPERB! although I have to pay $5.50 for a 16oz drink. ~ quite expensive. I told myself to never come back due to the price. But today, I went again....I got their roasted red peppers with hummus wrap in collard greens. TOO GOOD!
While eating the wrap, I was thinking of the money I spent to purchase the wrap. I was a bit regretting it, however, the more I think about it, the more worth it the food becomes. If I don't have to spend my time preparing my lunch and being hungry all the time, why not just spend a bit more during this fasting time so that I can have time to pray. I became more grateful for the time. If I think further, Daniel also asked the guards to prepare him with vegetables, so if I can buy pre-made organic food while still giving up my meat, why not? :)

Now, about the real deal..........These past two days, what I got from God is "set apart"- Psalm 4:3-8
3 Know that the LORD has set apart the godly for himself; the LORD will hear when I call to him. 4 In your anger do not sin; when you are on your beds, search your hearts and be silent. "Selah" 5 Offer right sacrifices and trust in the LORD. 6 Many are asking, "Who can show us any good?" Let the light of your face shine upon us, O LORD. 7 You have filled my heart with greater joy than when their grain and new wine abound. 8 I will lie down and sleep in peace, for you alone, O LORD, make me dwell in safety.

I know that God wants me to be different, to not be conform with the world, but to understand that I am set apart being God's chosen people. I continue to pray that God will reveal to us more.

Another status from Mark Driscoll is a great reminder to me:
"Consumerism is a religion. Stores are temples. Right now people are out shopping for an identity trying to make earth heaven."

I have to confess that these past few months, I have been shopping a lot and I realize that I should stop since I don't need those stuffs, I just want it because it is new and looks cool.