Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Upsetting morning

Today I have a very upsetting morning- coming to work late because Jack couldn't wake up. I do not really know why but it is very troubling me.
I felt that my job is already close enough, but I can't have "buffer" time to get to work not rushing.
I really do not like "rushing" feeling. I know that I am more of the morning person, rather than Jack. But it is a marriage, people works what works for the marriage.

If Jack couldn't get to work early enough, that means he will get home past 7.30pm, which for me, it is no point on having dinner already. If he expects having dinner together, then he should make sure to be home around 7.30pm (which means he has to get to work the latest by 8.30am~ 10 hours work)

I don't know what to do. I don't like counting on Jack to take me to work, but I felt that by doing that, I make sure that he gets to work by 8.30 the latest so that he can come home for dinner. But, if he has no desire/motivation to wake up in the morning, then I would rather not counting on him and count on the buses (they are more reliable) and not having to be upset often in the morning because of being late.

If I don't go with Jack in the morning, then we'll scrap dinner together as I do not want to eat past 7.30pm.


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