Thursday, January 17, 2013

Daniel Fast

It is quite customary for churches to ask the congregations to fast in the beginning of the year, so that we can inquire God's vision for the church and for our personal life for this new year. My church, Living Way Foursquare Church, decided to have a corporate fasting period during January 10-20th.
The reason to fast is to set aside time so that we can seek God more.

I chose to do Daniel's Fast. It is basically a vegan diet with additional restrictions, like no chemical and preservatives, as well as no tea & coffee. The hardest for me is to not drink tea or coffee. So far, I have been ok with veggies & tofu- grilled, stir fry, made as soup and pasta. Last weekend, I stopped by Evolution (organic drinks retailers owned by Starbucks) for wifi spot as I went to accompany Jack studying in downtown. I was hungry so I tried their hot spiced apple juice. SUPERB! although I have to pay $5.50 for a 16oz drink. ~ quite expensive. I told myself to never come back due to the price. But today, I went again....I got their roasted red peppers with hummus wrap in collard greens. TOO GOOD!
While eating the wrap, I was thinking of the money I spent to purchase the wrap. I was a bit regretting it, however, the more I think about it, the more worth it the food becomes. If I don't have to spend my time preparing my lunch and being hungry all the time, why not just spend a bit more during this fasting time so that I can have time to pray. I became more grateful for the time. If I think further, Daniel also asked the guards to prepare him with vegetables, so if I can buy pre-made organic food while still giving up my meat, why not? :)

Now, about the real deal..........These past two days, what I got from God is "set apart"- Psalm 4:3-8
3 Know that the LORD has set apart the godly for himself; the LORD will hear when I call to him. 4 In your anger do not sin; when you are on your beds, search your hearts and be silent. "Selah" 5 Offer right sacrifices and trust in the LORD. 6 Many are asking, "Who can show us any good?" Let the light of your face shine upon us, O LORD. 7 You have filled my heart with greater joy than when their grain and new wine abound. 8 I will lie down and sleep in peace, for you alone, O LORD, make me dwell in safety.

I know that God wants me to be different, to not be conform with the world, but to understand that I am set apart being God's chosen people. I continue to pray that God will reveal to us more.

Another status from Mark Driscoll is a great reminder to me:
"Consumerism is a religion. Stores are temples. Right now people are out shopping for an identity trying to make earth heaven."

I have to confess that these past few months, I have been shopping a lot and I realize that I should stop since I don't need those stuffs, I just want it because it is new and looks cool.


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