Sunday, January 12, 2014

Chinese Gender Predictor

Once I found out that I am pregnant, a friend of mine sent me this chinese gender predictor.
This forecasting tool seems above 90% accurate when it comes to the gender predictions - See more at:
"This forecasting tools seems above 90% when it comes to gender predictions....."

Here is the Chinese Gender Prediction Chart for 2013 - See more at:
Here is the Chinese Gender Prediction Chart for 2013 - See more at:
Here is the Chinese Gender Prediction Chart for 2013 - See more at:
Chinese Gender Prediction Chart for 2013:
Here is the Chinese Gender Prediction Chart for 2013
Chinese Gender Prediction Chart for 2013
- See more at:
Chinese Gender Prediction Chart for 2013
Adapted from:

Use this website to convert your western calendar to Chinese calendar:

English(Western) and Chinese Calendar Dates and information for September 3, 1983 (3/9/1983) 
English Date :September 3, 1983
Chinese Date :Xin-You(Rooster) (7th month), 26, 4681
Chinese Year Name :Gui Hai(Pig)

Baby was conceived on October 8, 2013 - we know ;)
English(Western) and Chinese Calendar Dates and information for October 8, 2013 (8/10/2013)
English Date :October 8, 2013
Chinese Date :Ren-Xu(Dog) (9th month), 4, 4711

Based on this Chinese gender prediction....I will be having a boy.  (Age 31 (due to in Chinese, you are considered one years old when you are still in your mom's womb) - and month Sept (9th month)- we'll see how accurate this is :P

Regardless of the gender of the baby, Jack & I will be grateful to have a healthy baby!
We will update you on Jan 30th on the gender of the baby.

Let me know your thoughts ;)

Here is the Chinese Gender Prediction Chart for 2013
Chinese Gender Prediction Chart for 2013
- See more at:

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