Saturday, November 25, 2023

Jack's workplace- Convoy Trucking News

On Nov 18th, Wednesday morning, Jack texted me and said, "Please pray for Convoy". Then an hour after that he said, "I'm going home" and he sent me an article: Digital Freight Broker Convoy Cancels Loads, Preps For Major Announcement (

Everyone in the company was sent home.  No one knows what happened. On Thursday morning at 8am, there was an all-hands meeting, and the CEO announced that there is no more Convoy Trucking. By mid-day, all employees received termination letters. 

My mind was spinning and wondering why God would allow us to go through this when we are following His prompting. Did we hear it wrong? Jack left his nicely paid, well-structured, great work-life-balance job at HBO because God told him to move away from entertainment industry and we feel led to move to Convoy despite a chunk of his compensation were stocks that now worth $0.

God reminded me the story of Joseph of how honest Joseph was, yet, multiple occasions he was tricked by his own brothers, schemed by Potifar's wife, forgotten by the cup-bearer after he interpreted the dream. But, God has never forgotten Joseph. 

We trusted God and on Friday- there were a "hush-hush" that Convoy might be purchased by Flexport and Jack is part of the 50-70 employees that will be moving on to Flexport. 
Praise God by November 1st, Jack received an offer from Flexport, so our family is not in bind with money. I am thankful that our God is trustworthy (even if He does not provide job right away, we still praise Him)

So now Jack will be joining Flexport team December 1st, 2023. Next Friday. Praying for Jack to have good season at Flexport. 

Friday, August 18, 2023

God is a sun and shield

 Psalm 84:11 says, "For the Lord God is a sun and shield; the Lord bestows favor and honor; no good thing does he withhold from those whose walk is blameless."

The portrayal of God as the Sun speaks to my heart lately.
He is powerful, just like the heat of the Sun that burns and purifies./
He is Light. He shines through the darkness

Our God works in power (Sun) and in care (shield). He is trustworthy to save and protect us in times of trouble.

Sunday, July 2, 2023

"I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!”

 Mark 9:24 "I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!” considered as one of the most honest prayer.

I will have my cystoscopy tomorrow to check whether there is any cancer recurrence. I am still experiencing some symptoms of frequent urination, urine retention. I am worried that there will be recurrence since the recurrence for bladder cancer is considered high. But, I am trusting the blood of Jesus and His name.

Today we sang "Believe For It" by Cece Winans at church and this song encouraged me much.

We believe that Jesus' name has power. Every promises He has is Yes and Amen.

Jesus is able to:1) Bring salvation to my brother- God has Henry's name in the book of life. 2) Restore broken relationship - I desire to have good relationship with my mother in law. 3) Healing miracle - cancer will never return to my body - not in my bladder and nowhere.

"You said "It is Done", and I believe it"

Saturday, May 20, 2023

Love Letters and Weapon for War

 This week, I just realized that the Bible is not only full of God's love letters and His wonderful promises to me but it is also the mighty weapon for war. 

For the longest time, When I pray - I love to claim God's wonderful promises and wonder on His loving thoughts towards me. But, now, I feel that it is the time to wage a war with the world.

We do not belong to this world and things of this world will continue to go against God's Words. We need to start waging war in our prayers asking God to command His Angels according to His promises.

"For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places." Ephesians 6:12 NLT

"We destroy every proud obstacle that keeps people from knowing God. We capture their rebellious thoughts and teach them to obey Christ." 2 Cor 10:5 NLT

I would like to encourage everyone to take offensive positions in our prayers. We need to take the Swords (the Bible) for battle against our own thoughts/sin and also for battle on behalf of others/our country/the world.

Only our God, Jesus Christ, is Mighty to Save! He is our Redeemer!

Thursday, April 20, 2023

I have Testimonies

 This week has been a very rough week since I constantly have pink colored pee and some clots.
It started last week, right after our Vancouver vacation. I caught a cold and my suspicion is that the cough/sneeze might have strained my bladder and caused it to tear tiny bit since my urologist said my bladder is very fragile and irritated.

I had ER visits on Friday since I had clots and were not able to urinate. Thankfully, as I stepped into the ER lobby, I passed the clots in the toilet. So, I had saline IVed in, then as soon as my pee is clearer, I got discharged.

On Sunday night around 11pm, the episode of peeing blood and clotting resumes. I checked myself into the ER around 3am and got irrigated at 5am, making it home in time when Tiara wakes up at 6:30am.

We went to Tuesday prayer meeting at Westgate and met few people, one common thing I heard from people is that "Now you can say "I have a testimony"" 

I need to praise God for:
1) His blessings that we got to enjoy Vancouver vacation without this worry.
2) Multiple ER visits that I had to wait for only 15-30 minutes - I was terrified that I had to wait 2-3 hours like my last August 2022 visit (Jack prayed for compassionate staffs and for me to be seen right away)
3) His faithfulness! Our God is faithful - He is walking with us!

Please continue to pray for peace as I navigate this week. I am still peeing pink here and there and passing small clots time to time. Urologist said this is normal for about a month until the bladder heals. I just want a good night sleep that I don't have to worry to drink enough and pee often for flushing.

Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Easter Miracle

 Last Sunday, pastor Evan was talking about disappointment. After disappointment- we need to still look for Jesus. 

I was desperate for a miracle. My surgery was on Tuesday, March 28th- my 4th TURBT.

I have been having symptoms of frequent urination, bladder spasms and some pain in my urethra- as well as many joint pains as reactive side effects from BCG immunotherapies.

I have little faith that God wants to heal me as i faced disappointment last December during my check/cystocopy.

On the day of the surgery, i spoke blessings of Numbers 6:24-26 over and to my nurse, Mary and my surgeon, Dr. Dash. 

When i was wheeled into the OR.. one of the nurse said "you know that we have to move you to the other table, right?" And i said "Yes, this is my 4th time" The nurse then said "i hope you will never see this OR again" and i said "Amen"

I want to believe that God wants to heal me and He will restore me to complete healing. I heard God say "clean" - i was not sure whether i will get a clean bill of health or my surgeon will clean any tumors he find.

After the surgery- the oncologist was saying that my bladder is very inflammed and sensitive- he had hard time controlling the bleeding from tiny biopsies.

I was worried and sad. I turn to Jesus. Let His will be done in my life.

On Thursday, the cyto pathology (urine sample pathology) shows NEGATIVE FOR CARCINOMA.

This is a miracle. God is clear- its not just atypical or sample not enough- but it is No cancer report!!

On Sunday, 4/2, the biopsy results also says "negative for carcinoma"

Praise Jesus, Hallelujah, I received my Easter Miracle!

Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Trading my "What Ifs" with "No Matter What"

 I was reading an article about praying for healing this week and the article talks about "trading What Ifs with No Matter What". My mind have been wandering with "What ifs" lately.... "what if God doesnt heal me" "What if I have to go through with this pain every day" "What if this is my new normal?"

It does not help my faith when my minds wander like that. I like to trade in my what ifs with No matter what. No matter what happens - I will praise the Lord. No matter what happens, I will give all the glory to God. No matter what happens - Jesus is trustworthy.

Today, the song "One Things Remain" was speaking to me again. That, One Thing Remains - God's love never fails.

I will praise God and trust His loving kindness no matter what. Even when there is trials, pain, storm and tribulation - He is still the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Worthy of all the praise and glory.

Saturday, February 18, 2023

Reactive Arthritis

This side effect of BCG - Reactive Arthritis (Reiter's Syndrome) was taken me by surprise. I praise God was doing so well with BCG this round. Then last Tuesday, all my joint start to be sore (my left elbow, both hips and right knee) As if I overstretched them exercising, but I had not. The pain level was like 2/10. The next night, my left ankle starts hurting. I took counterpain ointment so that I can sleep since it was bothering me more. I was limping to my #11 BCG appointment on Friday. I was pumped up for my appointment since there are only 2 treatments left for this series. I was determined to get it done/over with.

Doctor decided to postpone the BCG due to my reactive arthritis side effect. I was bummed but I trust that God knows what's best. I took the day off to rest and Doctor told me to take 400mg Ibuprofen 3x a day around the clock. Praying that this will help control my immune system.

Bladder Cancer and BCG Reactive Arthritis

This morning, as I was seeking the Lord, the verse Romans 8:28 keep replaying in my mind:
"and we know that ALL things work together for good to those who loves God and called according to His purposes"

Lord, I trust You. I know that You know best. I know that You are miracle working God who walks before and besides me. As long as You are with me, I know that I can put my cares on You and You guide me.

Jack and I also celebrate 11th years of wedding anniversary today. God has been faithful. Jack has been good to me. So thankful for him.

Wednesday, January 18, 2023


 I started my first series of 6 rounds BCG yesterday. It went well- praise the Lord. 
The treatment was at 10am, I was able to "void/pee" at 12pm and then start the flushing and bleaching for the next 4 hours.
Peeing and bleaching every 15 minutes was quite exhausting, but thank God I was able to rest a bit at night. Thankful for Jack to help with Tiara and letting me rest the whole day, even a slight massage at night since I have backache.

Another praise report is that for my medicine prescription, Detrol LA/Tolterodine. Walgreens called me last week and told me that it will cost $269 out of pocket for my prescription. I googled this morning and found out that Bartell would have it for cheaper. Then my sister in law mentioned about goodrx. 

GoodRx listed the medicine at $30 at Bartell. That's $230 savings! Praise God!

Please continue to pray for next BCG appointments:
1/24 9:30am
2/1 9:30am
2/10 9:30am
2/17 9am
2/24 9:30am

1 down and 5 to go! Glory to God!