Saturday, November 25, 2023

Jack's workplace- Convoy Trucking News

On Nov 18th, Wednesday morning, Jack texted me and said, "Please pray for Convoy". Then an hour after that he said, "I'm going home" and he sent me an article: Digital Freight Broker Convoy Cancels Loads, Preps For Major Announcement (

Everyone in the company was sent home.  No one knows what happened. On Thursday morning at 8am, there was an all-hands meeting, and the CEO announced that there is no more Convoy Trucking. By mid-day, all employees received termination letters. 

My mind was spinning and wondering why God would allow us to go through this when we are following His prompting. Did we hear it wrong? Jack left his nicely paid, well-structured, great work-life-balance job at HBO because God told him to move away from entertainment industry and we feel led to move to Convoy despite a chunk of his compensation were stocks that now worth $0.

God reminded me the story of Joseph of how honest Joseph was, yet, multiple occasions he was tricked by his own brothers, schemed by Potifar's wife, forgotten by the cup-bearer after he interpreted the dream. But, God has never forgotten Joseph. 

We trusted God and on Friday- there were a "hush-hush" that Convoy might be purchased by Flexport and Jack is part of the 50-70 employees that will be moving on to Flexport. 
Praise God by November 1st, Jack received an offer from Flexport, so our family is not in bind with money. I am thankful that our God is trustworthy (even if He does not provide job right away, we still praise Him)

So now Jack will be joining Flexport team December 1st, 2023. Next Friday. Praying for Jack to have good season at Flexport. 

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