Monday, January 24, 2011

Worship: Bringing pleasure to God

Rick Warren in his book "Purpose Driven Life" chapter 8, wrote that "falling in love with Jesus is as much the same as falling in love with his wife. He constantly think about her so that he feels close to her."
When I read this first purpose of why we are created - to worship God: to bring pleasure to God- Rick Warren's illustration speaks to me.

I think it is the same thing with when you are dating someone. You want to make the other person happy- you want to bring pleasure to the other person- this is not a passive passion- it is an active passion/love/act.
You search on what God likes- through the Bible and do what God commands us to do (God's 2 greatest commandments)

Moreover, Rick Warren brought up an interesting point of how worship is multi-faceted.
I learnt that worship is a lifestyle, but then when i thought about multi-faceted, It makes me realize that worship is not only inwards (our heart) but also outwards (on how we treat others, etc) Worship is very comprehensive- it is about offering a praise and thanksgiving daily, being obedient and do God's words, being a good steward in your finances, loving others- it really demands all our lives - truly with all our hearts, our soul, our mights, and all our strength.

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