Monday, November 29, 2010

Swing Dancing

Yes! I went swing dancing :P
Not something that I imagined I would do, but i did it.
It was kind of fun + some kind of exercise, of course I enjoyed it ;)
We went to Halo Room- 500 E. Pike St last Saturday.

Going there, we were talking about how dance is similar to playing instruments together.
Both people need to be in sync.
Both has to know when to create spaces for one another......
follow the rhythm...eye contact- communicate-and have fun!

My lesson learn from Saturday night dancing: I need to trust my partner more- follow his lead...
*sigh...i realized how strong headed i am...

Thursday, November 25, 2010

++ Happy Thanksgi\/ing ++

I was reading an excerpt from a friend's note earlier on Thanksgiving:
"Thanksgiving is a spiritual exercise, necessary to the building of a healthy soul. It takes us out of the stuffiness of ourselves into the fresh breeze and sunlight of the will of God. The simple act of thanking Him is for most of us an abrupt change of activity, a break from work and worry, a move toward re-creation."

This morning, on thanksgiving day, I choose to give thanks to God for my life: for His never ending love (Romans 8:38-39); for my family and friends.
I give thanks for I am wonderfully and fearfully made.
I give thanks that He ordained my paths (the ups and downs- all of my dreams and all my regrets)

I am even reminded this morning that I really thank God for the snow these past three days..
While others have problems with their commutes, God is gracious to me, that I don't have any problems at all. In addition, I even has super great time spent with Jack! Thank God for his 4WD car-Panda- that takes us everywhere safely, and of course, it's all God's protections...

Regardless, even if I got stuck for hours in the snow, I will still be thankful that in those moments, I can reflect on God's awesomeness. He created the Heaven and Earth, complete with the 4 seasons in mind...He is a detail-oriented God! and I can be sure that He has intricate and awesome plans in my life if only I am willing to lift it up on His hands :)

Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good. His love endures forever. -Psalm 136:1

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

"There is no sight on earth more appealing than the sight of a woman making dinner for someone she loves." Thomas Wolfe

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Weak Willpower :: Self - Control

There is a charm about the forbidden that makes it unspeakably desirable. ~Mark Twain

I think it is innate in human - inherited from Adam & Eve's curiosity combined with their rebellious attitudes....... We desires the forbidden. It is harder to resist or flee from something we know that's wrong or unhealthy for us.

Today, I listened to a sermon that being Christians aren't just saying no to sins.....but it is saying yes to pursue God's purpose & calling. being made into the likeness of God- His holiness
I realize it is like shifting the focus from us (we have to resist, our own willpower)-
and focus to God -to chase after His heart, after what He wants in our life.

I desperately need self control in:
- Physical Boundaries, eating habits, managing money and time well.....

While thinking about this, i googled a bit on the topic... and this article came on top:
From this particular article.......
I agree in one point strongly: "
self-control is a skill worth developing"
Self control needs to be developed.......
It is not an instant thing. It is like a fruit........needs time to grow and mature....

I also talked to a friend earlier about self control.....
and she asked me "Did you pray about this?"
She reminds me that...unless im rooted deep in Christ.....
I wouldn't be able to bear the fruit of the Spirit- which is this self-control.
I realized that self control is not from ourself (like many motivational book would suggest)
But it is more spiritual than just that.

I need to pray more specific. and...just more.

If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you (James 1:5)

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


" 18 First pride, then the crash—
the bigger the ego, the harder the fall.
19 It's better to live humbly among the poor
than to live it up among the rich and famous." Proverbs 16:18-19

Just a gentle reminder from God about pride.

Yesterday, after picking me up from the airport, JS hung around in my house. I had my AMP Bible laying around on my coffee table. Then I picked it up, and told him that it is torn half-way. He asked me why I keep the torn Bible - that originally he thought was romance novel :P- and I said, because then people will know that I read the Bible a lot (I said that kinda jokingly)
Then he goes "But.... that's... pride -.-""
I was just laughing as I joke about it.

But, later at night, this conversation keeps popping up in my head.
Was I really only joking?
Am I prideful?

Reminded also when I went shopping with my brother this past few days. We went shopping without even looking at the price-tags. We went to Saks Fifth and Burberry as if they are Macys and Express >.< "It's better to live humbly among the poor than to live it up among the rich and famous."

My friend once said, "Once you have the money, it is easy to live like the rich and famous, but to maintain your lifestyle low- it's a challenge"
I am challenged. I want to be a low maintenance servant for God's glory.

Forgive me, Lord if I have pride in my heart. Search me, know my thoughts, and lead me to the way of the everlasting. Let it be only to God be the honor and the glory. Forever and Ever.


Thursday, November 4, 2010

Looking thru the eyes of love

Yesterday I was listening to Steve Schell's sermon "Just and Justifier"
It opens up my heart to be really overwhelmed and grateful
that God sent Jesus to take my place for my sin.
Me-wretched, sinful.......
and Jesus can still look me through the eyes of love,
paid all my sins on the Cross so that I can live free from the guilt
We are made righteous because of that Jesus' atonement.

Reminded me also, that last night,
I made this very messy tare panda cake:

I believe that although it is messy and ugly ><
but I think if a person would look at it through the eyes of love......
it always is beautiful.

Same thing with how God looks at us-
we are fearfully and wonderfully made. on His image.

Lord, teach me to look at things through the eyes of love so that I can extend grace, be more patient, and be more like You...