Thursday, November 4, 2010

Looking thru the eyes of love

Yesterday I was listening to Steve Schell's sermon "Just and Justifier"
It opens up my heart to be really overwhelmed and grateful
that God sent Jesus to take my place for my sin.
Me-wretched, sinful.......
and Jesus can still look me through the eyes of love,
paid all my sins on the Cross so that I can live free from the guilt
We are made righteous because of that Jesus' atonement.

Reminded me also, that last night,
I made this very messy tare panda cake:

I believe that although it is messy and ugly ><
but I think if a person would look at it through the eyes of love......
it always is beautiful.

Same thing with how God looks at us-
we are fearfully and wonderfully made. on His image.

Lord, teach me to look at things through the eyes of love so that I can extend grace, be more patient, and be more like You...