Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Weak Willpower :: Self - Control

There is a charm about the forbidden that makes it unspeakably desirable. ~Mark Twain

I think it is innate in human - inherited from Adam & Eve's curiosity combined with their rebellious attitudes....... We desires the forbidden. It is harder to resist or flee from something we know that's wrong or unhealthy for us.

Today, I listened to a sermon that being Christians aren't just saying no to sins.....but it is saying yes to pursue God's purpose & calling.
.......in being made into the likeness of God- His holiness
I realize it is like shifting the focus from us (we have to resist, our own willpower)-
and focus to God -to chase after His heart, after what He wants in our life.

I desperately need self control in:
- Physical Boundaries, eating habits, managing money and time well.....

While thinking about this, i googled a bit on the topic... and this article came on top:
From this particular article.......
I agree in one point strongly: "
self-control is a skill worth developing"
Self control needs to be developed.......
It is not an instant thing. It is like a fruit........needs time to grow and mature....

I also talked to a friend earlier about self control.....
and she asked me "Did you pray about this?"
She reminds me that...unless im rooted deep in Christ.....
I wouldn't be able to bear the fruit of the Spirit- which is this self-control.
I realized that self control is not from ourself (like many motivational book would suggest)
But it is more spiritual than just that.

I need to pray more specific. and...just more.

If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you (James 1:5)

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