Monday, August 15, 2022

God is my Champion

 I have a strong impression last week of how I do not fit into the bladder cancer patient statistic/profile.
Bladder cancer is 90% above 55 years of age; 75% male and the major cause is smoking. (

I do not smoke and not a second hand smoker - my parents and Jack, my husband, he doesn't smoke.

Bladder cancer's 5-year recurrence rates of approximately 65% in patients with non-invasive or in situ tumors.

I feel that God is telling me, while I do not fit the bladder cancer patients' profile, my journey of healing will also not fit the recurrence rate.

God will heal me and I will have 0 recurrence. God will bless the BCG immunotherapies that will start on 09/02 to heal me.

"You are my champion, Giants fall when You stand, Undefeated Every battle You've won" 
This song by Bethel Music is my Battle song! God will not fail.

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