Friday, September 30, 2022

God is with me - Immanuel

 This morning, a lady from my prayer group, Soo sent me a text "He is with you, Theresia"
I am very blessed to have multiple sisters praying and caring over me this morning.

As I walked into the hospital for my #3 BCG instillation, the nurse that greeted me was different than my previous 2 instillation. My anxiety raises as I feel that I don't know whether she is an experienced nurse or not. 

The nurse, Leah, was very calm and attentive to me. I mentioned to her that I am nervous as my #2 one had a bad side effect on me. I said "I am nervous but I know God got me". She said "I believe God is with you." Then I proceeded to say " I pray Psalm 91 over myself" and she said "I prayed Psalm 91 over all my patients this morning too"

I then just cried. I was overwhelmed with the evidence of God's goodness and His tender mercies. I do not deserve Him but He knows and He cares for me.

The nurse, Leah, said that it is not a coincidence that she is my nurse today. She doesn't normally do BCG treatment but today she did and she secured the smallest catheter for me and she released the medicine slowly so that my bladder is not in shock.

God loves me so much and I am blessed.

Praying for nurse Leah that she can assist me again next time and I pray blessings over her days and her family.

To God be The Glory.

He is Immanuel.

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