Tuesday, March 16, 2010


Lately, I often hear people say "I am bored."

I begin to wonder, what is bored/boredom is.

Wikipedia.org explains it as "Boredom is an emotional state experienced during periods lacking activity or when individuals are uninterested in the opportunities surrounding them"

I'll try to digest the word by its definition.
It is an emotional state - not the fact (just something in your mind)
Cause by Lacking of activity - need to be more busy.
or uninteresting opportunity - need to find something interesting.
I think boredom is curable. it is temporary and need a fix.
preferably something that can fix it for longer period.
Find something interesting!
Some suggestion (or something that my friends did)
1. Get a perm (for the ladies ;))
2. Buy a dog
3. Get into stocks
4. Write a blog - like me :P
5. Scrapbooking!
Anyway, that's just ideas during my "lacking of activity" moments =)

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