Friday, March 26, 2010

::Relating to Diamonds::

This morning I overheard my co-workers discussed about a diamond that my company has it re-graded. She said "Wow, the imperfection went away." and I was puzzled, "can it be, really?"
But as I clarified with her, she actually meant that the imperfection in diamond went away because GIA authorities decided that the diamond worth better clarity grade (VVS1) rather than (VVS2) -what it was graded as last time. My co-worker emphasized that the imperfection of a diamond can not go away unless the imperfection side of the diamond is cut.

That particular statement reminded me of the Vine, the Gardener, and the Branches analogy in the Bible.

"I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener. 2He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful." John 15

Same thing with our lives, in order to be more fruitful or radiant (to show God's beauty); there are areas of our lives that we need to cut and trim.
Let's evaluate together which part of our lives we can cut in order to be more fruitful? or let's be thankful for His "pruning" since it is for our best :)

This diamond conversation also recall a cute conversation I had with a friend of mine about a year ago, regarding relationship.
(I kinda forgot how the conversation started, and it lead to either I was talking to him that he needs to lose weight, or i was whining that i need to lose weight)
which now reminds me again, that i need to cut down my chocolate consumption :P
...and He said "Even the G-I3 ae payu"
(talking about that even the people who isn't so handsome or pretty (=lower grade diamonds) still attractive to some people)
(He was either comforting me or comforting himself about our tiny weight problem...)
and I said "Yeah, because they can't afford the D-IF, that's why they settle for the G-I3 " :P

Let's still strive for the perfection in God ;)

"Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect." Matt 5:48


  1. Thanks for sharing! :) This somehow reminds me of an analogy. This might not be related to your post but I thought that it's a good story to share:

    Thank God that while others often only see appearance, He sees us deeper than that. :)

  2. thank you for the gentle reminder of our intrinsic value as children of God ;)
