Sunday, September 12, 2010

another still small voice of God...

I am reminded of another occassion when God speaks in a still small voice... it happened when i was in the gym.
I shared this while back to the music team.
I was in one of the core strength and conditioning class... and the class was hard -.-"" At that time, they were doing lots of push ups which i am not good at, so i kinda cheated. i didnt put my 100% effort to accomplish all the exercises. but then, there was this still small voice, " who are you fooling?"
I paused.
I realized I was just fooling myself. I dont go to gym for the sake of the trainer...or others... but for my own benefit. I will not going anywhere with my goals in being fit and losing weight if i keep on cheating like that.

After gym, when i was in the bus on my way home... God spoke again. He reminded me of my Christian walk with Him, on how i can fool some people sometimes, but still at the end, i am just fooling myself. i can do all the ministry to pretend that my relationship with God is fine (even song leading and lead Care Group discussion)... despite of my absent prayer life & quiet time. God reminds me for the "REAL" thing - He only wants to talk to me- have relationship with me [Martha & Mary story in Luke] rather than me busy serving and busy covering my weaknesses.

Later that night, I just came to Him to ask for His forgiveness and for Him to restore my passion for Him again...

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