Sunday, September 19, 2010

-Counting my blessings-

Yesterday I got to spend the whole days with my mom.
It's been a while since I had my "dating" time with mom....
We went shopping and restaurant hopping in Chinatown.
I helped making-over her.....treat her to her favorite restaurant.....
and we chatted over many issues....
Feels nice^^

It makes me realize how blessed I am.....
During my quiet time last night, God reminded me my lists of prayers/petitions that I had 2 years ago when I reached my big 25 birthday :P
At that time, I was learning to view God as my Father..... and me being a spoiled and clingy daughter, I gave Him a long list of birthday gifts that I requested from Him on my 25th birthday.
Yesterday, I got to re-visited those lists again....
I am just left amazed on how God works in my life.

I am counting my blessings..........
I am very happy to have the whole family (my parents and my brother) here to celebrate my birthday this year.
I am excited to see more breakthroughs happening in my life.
This is the "kairos" =)

I am thankful and I am counting my blessings....

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