Sunday, September 19, 2010

*Making Choices*

Recently, I was talking to a friend about the choices that just open up in our lives and how that affects our original plan....
She was afraid that the new choice or the new open door (choice B), might be a test of faith from God- to see on how strong we want the original plan to happen (choice A).
She was thinking what if choosing choice B eventually fail and we will regret it.
She forgot that the same risk is there for choice A although choice A looks safer...

I was reminded of a care group discussion that was led by my pastor's wife as she titles it "GPS: God Positioning System"- She was trying to answer our most common questions and fear: "What's God's will in my life?" "What if I don't make it?"
She was saying that like a GPS in the car, God is graceful enough that He allows u-turn if we got misrouted from His plan. However, in order for us to discern God's will- we need to start taking steps.... (like a GPS, you have to begin driving for it to function)
As long as we listened and aligned ourselves to the GPS, we will make it there (the path that God set for us) Some might take longer, but we'll get there :)

Along the years, I admit that have made several choices of which I regret. However, because of those choices/moments, I learn to understand God's grace and His redemption better. I realize that nothing can separate me from His love. I just need to offer up my hands quickly if I fall, and He'll be ready to help me getting back up.

I am making steps of faith as I make my choices and I pray for His will be done in my life as I put my trust in Him.

Proverbs 3:5-6
Trust in the Lord, lean not on your own understanding. In all of your ways, acknowledge Him, He'll make your paths straight.

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