Thursday, September 2, 2010

::Multiple Dating.

Being out of the dating arena for quite some time, I am little scared of it.
A friend of mine asked what's my opinion on multiple dating...
[multiple dating: you date A monday, B thursday, C on sunday]
From his point of view, it is an ok thing since you are just getting to know your "dates" better.
At that moment, I do not know how to answer such questions.
It sounded ok to me too. Sounded quite normal, knowing that one of my senior pastors once told the bachelors that they should just go out with many girls to know which one is suitable for them.

Personally, when i get the chance to re-think my answer, I feel like I am in a competition.
I need to perform better than other girls to score more dates.
I do not like that feeling. But, aren't we set to compete everywhere in this Earth?
we compete at work, at our social performances....
However, as I prayed, i felt that God assures me that I do not need to compete for His love.
He gave it all, He took the risks........
I do not think I should expect a guy to be like Jesus, but I surely doubt whether the guy really interested in me or i am special-just like other girls...

Thinking further about this, I relate it with learning to play certain sports. I am a girl that I want to try it all -and can do it all (im not pleased with this particular trait. im working on it). I have tried playing golf, tennis, badminton, volleyball...etc etc.
As you learn playing these sports, I don't think you can pick up golf, tennis, badminton at the same times to be able to play well in a game. I believe the techniques are different on each sport. The same thing with dating girls, each girls are different, you can't devote your heart into learning and focusing to know one if you know that you have several others you need to somewhat please too..... I would appreciate if one focuses on one person -like learning a particular sport- then he can decide whether we play in a game or not (being in a relationship with that particular girl)

It is interesting to know what my Christian friends think about this issue though. Thoughts?

But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.- Romans 5:8

1 comment:

  1. Tere thanks for sharing. I think you gave a very good point that with God we don't have the pressure to perform unlike in the multi-dating scene. I read this article recently (link below) and I likened those multi daters to "maximizers". It feeds into the person of what can I get the best out of something instead of trying to get to know 1 person at a time and invest more into him or her before moving on if things do not work out.
