Tuesday, July 5, 2022


I heard many people were fearful over covid-19 and even when our family were masking, we were labeled as "fearful". I think we are more cautious than fearful over covid-19.

But, one thing I know about FEAR upon my cancer diagnosis is that Fear cripples.
Few days after I learnt on my diagnosis, I feel half paralyzed. I was in shock and cannot do much.
My heads were spinning on the worst scenarios. 

But, many times, my good Father reminds me gently to trust Him.
On the road, I saw a sticker of "Faith over Fear" on the back of the car.

I also happen to stumble upon this song:
"You already Know" by JJ Heller

I need to tell You that I'm scared
I feel completely unprepared
And nothing's what it was two weeks ago

But You already know, You already know
Everything I'm scared of, everything I hope
You hold my tomorrow, and all tomorrow holds
You already know


Fear has no grip on me as Jesus holds the Final Say

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