Wednesday, July 13, 2022

God is our Hope and Healer

 I had my first meeting with the surgeon today after the surgery and biopsy.

In the morning, I feel as if I am facing a Judge and handed the "ultimatum". But, I realize that God is our Judge. God holds the Last Call/Judgement.

During the session with the uro-oncologist, he mentioned that bladder cancer journey is like a book. I am on my 1st chapter and there will be plenty chapter - bad or good. His goal is to keep my bladder as long as possible.

I am glad that he is optimistic.

I am reminded that God writes our story. He knows the beginning and the end - He is the Alpha and Omega. Nothing in my life will come as a surprise to Him. I pray that none of my chapters will grieve Him or Holy Spirit. I pray that all of them will bring Honor and Glory to Him.

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