Thursday, December 20, 2012

The sweetest thing...

Jack was so sweet yesterday morning....
When I was taking shower, I heard him turning on the hair dryer.
I was wondering what the heck is Jack doing with that hair dryer.
As soon as I stepped out of the shower, Jack handed me my warm and dry towel!

For some of you that doesn't understand, I live in a damp basement apartment.
My towel is always half-way dry when I used it.
I recall telling Jack the day before of how nice it was for me to go back to my Greenwood townhome and took shower with dry towel.

So, Jack blow-dried my towel for me to have a warm and dry towel!
How sweet is that.......

"Sometimes, the smallest things in life bring the biggest joys"

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Attitude of Gratitute

I was pretty down these few months due to work situation and just filled with dissatisfaction....
I kept on thinking on how could I end up in this "dead-end" job, end up with this "basement apartment"
But, today, I chose the "attitude of gratitute"
I reflect back and see what God has done.
I am thankful that Jack did not get lay off before I applied for my green card. That would be very difficult for us. I thank God for a husband that loves me and sponsor me so that I can have my green card that allows me to stay and work in the US.

About my job and my education: I remember when I was little, I always want to go for higher education. I like school - well, I should say, I like earning degrees :P
When I started Amcut, I enrolled in City University for Master's Program, but I did not finish it. I asked myself, why didn't I?
Then I remember, at that time, I had to pay off the debt that I had and I am glad I did.
Also, my priorities were to stay in the US so I have to accumulate enough money so that I can hire a lawyer and apply for green card. During 2008, my priority shifted a bit, I want to accumulate money so that I can have "assets" to bring back to Indo.
So, yeah, throughout this year, this is why I did not finish my master's degree. Because I don't want to invest in it if I don't see the ROI.

I guess, there is time for everything. Wait.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Permanent Resident Card ARRIVED!

For my 6th month wedding anniversary gift, God gave me my PR!
It arrived super fast! 2 weeks after our interview.
It allows us to plan our trip to Whistler for labor day weekend......
Praise God :D

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Green Card Interview

We did our green card interview yesterday.
Our appointment was at 11.15am.
We arrived there around 10.40am.
Checked-in on the 1st floor then waiting in the lobby on 2nd floor.
Around 11.20am, a guy called our name.
We went in and he said that he is the officer that will be interviewing us.
He is very nice, he described in details on how the interview will go.
We got sworn to tell the truth....then
He asked me lists of 25 questions like:
"Are you part of or will be an espionage?" "Have you had training of using weapons?"
"Have you ever been in prison?"
Normal stuffs.

After that he just talked to Jack & I about our relationship. I brought a photo book of our journey.
That helps a lot i think. Right after he looked at it, he asked, "Do you guys have any joint bank account, mortgage account, or health insurance together?" Luckily, we do have a joint bank account and then he just said, "You should receive your green card in 30 days"

Praise God!

The whole thing lasted about 20 minutes.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012


Lately this verse is ringing in my head.....

"Freedom reigns in this place
Showers of mercy and grace
Falling on every face
There is freedom"

There is Freedom in knowing and trusting Jesus......
Lately I feel i am in the bondage of discontentment.
Discontented of where I live, I work, 
where I am in education and financial. 
I don't know whether it is "pre-30 years old- syndrome"
But, plain and simple. I WANT MORE. MORE OF THE WORLD.
This morning's devotion really struck me:
James 4: 4
"You adulteresses, do you not know that friendship 
with the world is hostility toward God ? 
Therefore whoever  wishes to be a friend of the world 
makes himself an enemy of God."

The whole verse in James 4 coming true for me. 
I want more of the world because I have pride.
I want to boast or stand on my own knowledge, 
my own financial security,
my, my, my, and mine.
However, God reminds me this morning, 
what is needed is just ONE THING.

DWELL in HIS PRESENCE where there is FREEDOM, 
there is FULLNESS of JOY.


Lord, I pray that I will be conformed 
more like You and letting Your words 
change me instead of me pursuing the world further. 
Teach me to rest securely in You 
and put You first above all else. 
I know that You love me. 
You know and want the best for me. 

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Sacrifice of Praise

In the midst of my financial storm - I have to pay for root canal & crown (almost $4000 -.-)
My camera that suddenly broke - approximately will cost me another $200.00
I chose to offer God the sacrifice of praise
Psalm 92:4 says, It is a good thing to give thanks to the Lord, and to sing praises to your name, O Most High.
In Psalm 107:1 we read, Oh, give thanks to the Lord for he is good! For his mercy endures forever.

I thank God that I have a job.
I thank God that I have a husband that saves money.
I thank God that I am healthy- no breast cancer that I was worried of last month.
I thank God that I am not in debt.
I thank God that I still have my Iphone that takes great pictures.
I thank God for my parents and brother that I know are ready to spot me if I need any money.

I thank God that I have a GOD who takes care of His children, whose promises are trustworthy and true.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

YAY Working Authorization Card is in the mail

This morning, I was just randomly check my case status on USCIS website
and here what it said:


ard/ Document Production

The USPS reported that they picked up mail from USCIS containing your new card on June 25, 2012. You should receive your new card within 7 days. If you do not, or if you move before you get it, please call our customer service at 1-800-375-5283.
This step applies to applications that result in an applicant receiving a card (such as a "green card") or other document (such as a naturalization certificate, employment authorization document, travel document, or advance parole). Applications will be in this step from the time the order to produce the card/document is given until the card/document is produced and mailed to the applicant. You can expect to receive your card/document within 30 days of the approval of your application.


Wednesday, June 20, 2012


Yesterday, I went to the US Homeland of Security for my biometrics appointment.
The appointment was scheduled at 12.00pm. We (Jack & I) arrived at 11.35pm
We were scanned to make sure we do not conceal any sharp objects and had to go through a metal detector. ID is also required to enter the office.
After that we lined up for our appointment. We have to fill another form of application and waited inside the lobby before they checked our fingerprinting application against our immigration form.
I went in alone to wait for the fingerprinting process. They fingerprinted every single fingers and took my photograph.

We were out from the US Homeland Security at 12.30pm.
They really squeeze every fingers to make sure they got me in the system. Jack was jokingly asking me, "They didn't ask you to spit for DNA?" :P

Anyway, I am hoping I will be called for my interview soon and get my travel document timely. I want to go to Vancouver summer night market! =)

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Biometrics Scheduled!

On June 1s, we received the notice from Dept of Homeland Security for me to get my biometrics done around Sea-Tac area on June 19th.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Mailed my I-693! :)

The doctor costs about $135.00 and I had the test to see whether I need MMS & DapT vaccination also whether I have tuberculosis.
Too bad I didn't pass the first test so the doctor has to request me to do Chest Xray.
Thank God, I passed the Xray! I am Tuberculosis FREE :D

Mailed doctor's report & Jack's W2 as requested this morning.
90 days from now I should receive my EAD card :)

Bully does not work

Can't describe what i have to put up with at work.
I wish for a calm and peace working environment.
I can't imagine why there is a certain individual feels like he can boss me around and giving his advices when not being asked.
The owner is the boss and will always remain the ONLY authoritative person in the office.
He hires, he signs paychecks, he fires people as he wishes because he owns the company.
I am a nobody, but I don't put up with bullies.

What does people think? this is high school? :S

People do not have to be scared to tell the truth. You don't have to "threatened" people to not tell something unless you think you do something wrong and fearful of what you have done. Think before you bully! -.-"

I will bring praise! No weapons formed against me shall remain...I will rejoice, I will declare, GOD is my victory and He is here. (Hillsongs)
"He who doesn't learn from history is forced to repeat its mistakes"
-Ravi Zacharias

Friday, May 18, 2012

I-693: Medical

Today, I went to one of the INS designated civil surgeon: Tatyana, Kutsy MD in Bellevue. The procedure was so fast! Went in, got my blood drawn, an injection to test for tuberculosis, and I am out in 30 minutes!
Hope all goes well when I come back on Monday to pick up the paperwork.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

I-863 and additional documentations

Letter from INS arrived May 4, 2012 asking us to submit:
1) I-863 which is medical exam with their approved surgeons
2) They asked for Jack's W-2 last year's. ( although I included it with the previous filing)
I hope everything goes well =)
My check up is scheduled for the 18th.

They agree to respond for my I-765: employment authorization 90 days after the receipt....

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Thankful for a man of principles husband (although sometimes it makes him sounded so stubborn :P)

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Form I-797C (Notice of Receipt)

Yesterday, April 20th, we received in the mail 3 letters from the INS:
1. Notice of receipt for Jack filing I-130 on my behalf and our check for $420.00
2. Notice of receipt for me filing I-765 (Authorization for Employment)
3. Notice of receipt for me filing I-485 and they received our check for $1070.00

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Phase 1 planning.

On Tuesday, one of my friend told me that she is getting married this year- 2012. EXCITING TIME!
We were going through my old notes about venues, photographers, and budgeting.
It was a SUPER fun time for me. Giving people options of "glam" vs. "vintage".
"Lots of DIY" vs. "everything included" packages.
Ah.......I wish I can retire and just do lots of wedding consultation for fun! =)
Thankful for a husband that prays with & for me [almost] every night.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012


Finally, finished my Green Card paperwork and sent them April 10, 2012 via USPS priority mail.
Tracking said that USCIS received the package end of the day on April 12, 2012.
On Tuesday April 17, 2012, my husband, received the text "USCIS: your application was received"

First step: done. Praise God.

Monday, April 16, 2012

What would it take?

What would it take for me to give up my comfort zone?

Last Friday, when I was attending my friend's mom's funeral, I had conversation with a friend that switch career. She was working in accounting field for one of the Big4 and now she is a teacher.
I am sure the pay cut that she takes is at least 20%. I wonder what would it take for me to switch career?
I am not fully satisfied with my current job since there is no growth for me even though the pay is good.
My friend got laid off, hence she decided to pursue teaching- her passion.
So, for me, do I need to get laid off before I can choose what I really want?
or........what is it? is it just "taking the risk"? will it be worth it? Will i regret if I had not taken the risk?

Recently attending funeral, also makes me think that "life is short" How can I make my life count?
Will it be sickness that prompt me to do "what i want"- to take the risk?
Another question also, what would it take for someone to "ask for forgiveness"?
I know some people hold grudges- unwilling to forgive or to prideful to apologize when they know they do something wrong.
What would it take for someone to initiate that forgiveness?
Many people reconcile when they are already near dying. Do you have to wait that long before you reconcile?

I guess, i am being anxious with my health issue prompted me to think too much of some stuff ><

Friday, March 30, 2012


Today, seems like the Mega Million $640 M winning is all over the news. I did not pay attention to it but yesterday bought one ticket at the grocery store just because a lady in front of me bought lots of them.
Sometimes I'd randomly bought 1-2 tickets just out of fun.

But, if I really win, how will I spend the money??

1% of 640M is already 6.5M!!
OK, to start off 50% is already taxed so I'll left with 320M
1% for legal issues
I'll do my 15% tithe to the church (since we are in the process of moving our home church- we'll do 5% to LECC, 5% to IFGF, and 5% to our future home church)
5% for any organizational.

5% for me.

Left......  29%
Jack is super 10% saving.
left.......19%. Family 5%
1% will be given to my work mates - since Mike, my co worker also promised me 1M if he wins.
the rest.....13%.........what should i do with it? easy to dream, and so easy to spend. 100% pie...only left 13%? >.<
hahaha. I hope i'm not too greedy.

Anyway, I told Jack earlier, I am claiming: Proverbs 10:22 "The blessing of the LORD brings wealth, and he adds no trouble to it."
He asked me, "Since when are you joining Joel Osteen's church?" =P

Tuesday, March 27, 2012


Today, a sad story happened.

I went to get my facial done at a new spa place in Queen Anne neighborhood. Close to the spa, there was a French cafe- Cafe the Lion- and I went in to check out the place. I went and got 4 macaroons: chocolate with salted caramel inside, taro with vanilla filling, mocha, and green tea. After I got them, I went straight to my facial for an hour. After the facial at 7.20 pm, I feel little hungry- So I ate the green tea one since I know Jack does not like green tea. The green tea macaroon was sooo good. It melted in my mouth!
Still feeling hungry, I waited for the bus. When I got to the bus stop, the bus just passed by. I was just 30 seconds late. Disappointed, I took out the macaroons box from my bag again. I ate the chocolate one and planning to eat the rest of them with Jack (2 of them- taro and mocha) I checked out the bus schedule, and found out that the next bus will be 30 minutes away. I went in to the nearby Safeway and got a frozen potatoes for breakfast. I went back to the bus stop and waited for the bus. 5 minutes went by, and I checked the bus schedule again, and the bus would be late by 10 minutes. I opened the macaroons box and just realized that I was not given the taro macaroon (purplish color) but I got the vanilla instead. It is quite hard to tell the vanilla apart from the mocha. So, I ate one of them, and hoping to leave Jack the mocha one. I ate the vanilla macaroon. Looking at the only mocha left in the box, I felt so bad to leave Jack with only one macaroon, plus I am still hungry! I ate the last bite although I felt guilty and wanted to leave Jack with half. But, I can't resist! I ate them all! FAIL T.T

On the way home, in the bus, I was thinking on how could that happen. I had 4- and I couldn't resist, then i left with none.

I think the root is: self control ~  I have no self control :S  
Another problem is disappointment.
and the last one is idleness.

I realize that this can be the problem of life: small things add up (1 by 1 and gone!)
In financial- the way I spend my money, if I rationalize going out to fine dining and shopping, just once, just twice....without a STOP, I would end up with no saving. I need to know when to STOP!
Same thing with negative thoughts and sin. Some things are harmful at first, one, one, then..... you are trapped.

The word of God said, ""If you are faithful in little things, you will be faithful in large ones. But if you are dishonest in little things, you won't be honest with greater responsibilities."

Tuesday, February 28, 2012


James 3:13-18
13 Who among you is wise and understanding ? Let him show by his good behavior his deeds in the gentleness of wisdom. 14 But if you have bitter jealousy and selfish ambition in your heart, do not be arrogant and so lie against the truth. 15 This wisdom is not that which comes down from above, but is earthly, natural, demonic. 16 For where jealousy and selfish ambition exist, there is disorder and every evil thing. 17 But the wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, reasonable, full of mercy and good fruits, unwavering, without hypocrisy. 18 And the seed whose fruit is righteousness is sown in peace by those who make peace

My heart was really troubled yesterday since it was filled with jealousy. I was jealous of couple of my friends who get new -better -jobs. It is so easy for greed to creep out from inside of me even though the hour before I was very grateful of my loving husband, supportive friends & family, and having stable income.
Thank God today for reminding me to sow in the Spirit. Be peaceable, gentle, reasonable, full of mercy and good fruits, unwavering, without hypocrisy.Lord, I am sorry for being so ungrateful. Please restore my joy and my peace in You.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Why 02.18.2012?

We got this question a lot when we announced our wedding date.
Why February 18, 2012?
We got engaged in July 4, 2011 although we kind of been talking about our wedding since May.
We were thinking of getting married at the end of 2011 but then, it feels like we only have short time to plan.
Taking into consideration about family that will be traveling from out of the US as well,
we decided that early 2012 sounds much better.
Especially also that end of the year is the busiest time of the year for my work place.
Being an accountant, January will not be a good year too since it is the time when I have to prepare federal & state filing for closing 2011.
So, that leave us with February being the earlier possible month in 2012. We want to make 2012 a fresh start for both of us.

After talking to our parents and inquire the venue we like, we decided to get married on 02.18.2012!

10 more days.... counting =)

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Wedding Surprises.

My first wedding surprises just came in this morning.
Not the pleasant kind.
My wedding photo booth vendor (Click It Photography) just cancelled 2 weeks before my wedding!
A bit stressful, but I try to maintain positive attitude.
Wedding surprises are expected.
I learned that after helping my friends' wedding.
Praying that God will give me another photo booth vendor that is nice and affordable.
and also for Groupon to refund me the money.
no more unpleasant surprises, please..........

I welcome pleasant surprises! like....... when I received big Amazon gift cards for wedding gift from my out of states friend a week ago =P

Narrow gate

Today's devotion by Charles Stanley gives me new meaning to the Narrow Gate passage in the Bible:
"Enter through the narrow gate ; for the gate is wide and the way is broad that leads to destruction, and there are many who enter through it. For the gate is small and the way is narrow that leads to life, and there are few who find it." Matthew 7:13-14

I always thought it is just that God's way is always harder, and more strict. But, I have never thought about the passage when people mocked me as "narrow-minded Christian" I used to take it as an offense and challenged to broaden my view. This new revelation gives me assurance that indeed God's way is narrow (like how oxen usually have their eyes blocked on the sides so that they can focus) I will learn to focus more on God's way and less worry about the worldly opinion.

Most part of the Bible is hard to understand by reason, that's when FAITH the essence of Christianity comes in and relationship with God to bring you REVELATION that will keep your love and passion for Christ burning.
